5 Simple Bedroom Renovation Ideas

Whether you live in a large home or a studio apartment, your bedroom is a place for tranquillity, relaxation and to be at one with your thoughts, dreams and of course a place to sleep. Renovating the bedroom to create a space enabling you to wind down is important to your health and well being as much as it is to restore energy from your daytime adventures. Your bedroom needs to reflect a type of haven that is personal, comfortable and distinctive to your personality.

There are several considerations you may need to consider prior to your bedroom renovation: cost, lifestyle and individuality are significant factors. An affordable upgrade may be a quick simple change to the décor or for a long-lasting transformation, spending a few extra dollars on a renovation could save you money in the future.

So here are 5 ideas to help you prepare for your next bedroom renovation!


You will need some cardboard boxes for this process. Label your boxes with Keep, Throw-away, Donate, Memories, Washing. Now it’s time to clear the floor. Bed and bedding, cupboards and drawers, mats, pictures, mirrors, basically anything that is not a permanent fixture needs to be out of the room. This enables you to start with a completely empty pallet on which you can design. If you live in a studio apartment, clear the space you plan on using as your sleeping area. Clothes, books, keepsakes, important documents, photos, shoes need to be placed into the labelled boxes. Once everything has a box, you can now get organized.


At this point, it may appear a little chaotic. Place things that need to be washed into the laundry. Throw away any unusable items and place your treasures to donate into the car or head directly to the closest recycling bin. Remember that many charities will accept good quality items for recycling. Clothing is always a welcome donation, but don’t forget about other re-usable items like shoe boxes, unopened makeup, photo frames, mats, quilts, pillows, blankets, furniture and curtains; many people comb through these stores to find an item to repurpose. Also knowing something you don’t need but also feel emotionally attached to may go to someone who will appreciate it, which makes parting with unused items a little easier. Environmentally, not adding to the already growing landfill crisis we are currently experiencing is beneficial.

You should now only have the things you want to put back into your bedroom. With these items, consider how they are to be presented in your new haven. Do you need to hang your clothes? Do you need shelving? Take into account the box labelled memories - can they be stored away for the moments you want to reflect or are there items you want to display? Envision a storage plan that balances with your lifestyle. There are many storage options with free standing cupboards, walk-in robes, built-in cupboards, shelving, beds with space underneath for storing shoes or blankets, side tables for lamps or personal effects. If it helps with the process, relabel or add some boxes to align with your storage spaces. Hanging, Drawers, Display, Under Bed, Cupboards could be applicable headings.


With an empty floor plan, you can now renovate the bedroom to accommodate your possessions. Sourcing a builder may seem expensive but once you have refined the spaces you need, adding permanent changes may end up being more cost-effective for the duration of the design. Builders can help with adding a walk-in robe, removing walls for more space, installing a half wall with shelving to create zones with different levels or adding tranquillity for study nooks. Feature walls are attractive and can add a level of soundproofing and insulation and are great ways to add plentiful storage as well as being visually appealing. A builder can also assist you with providing larger windows to add natural light, reconfigure the space for long term useability and ensure structural integrity. If you are removing carpet or tiles to add floorboards for a more contemporary look, a builder can ensure they are installed correctly.


Now that you have configured the layout of your bedroom it’s time to decide on colours. This is absolutely a personal choice. Your bedroom should reflect your style as well as be an oasis for calm. 

Natural hues create the illusion of space and light, where warmer colours offer ambience and luxury. Choose block out curtains or blinds for a peaceful darkroom when sleeping, which when opened let in the beauty of the outdoors. Mats add an air of coziness and provide warmth on cold nights if floorboards are your choice of flooring. Add the furniture you are utilizing from your original bedroom and take a step back to soak up your new space.


Now it’s time to find a place for all those treasures you have in the boxes. Find areas that are functional for your possessions yet give you floor space to move around with ease. Organize your clothes into weekend wear and workwear to make that early morning rush to work easier. Treat yourself to some comfortable polyurethane pillows that are sustainably sourced and contain no CFCs, offering a safe and healthy nights sleep. 

Your new bedroom renovation is now ready for you to enjoy. Snuggle up into a cozy bed and cocoon yourself amongst the blankets and relax!