At Dependabuild we are professionals in building a carport, garage, granny flat or an extra room that is visually appealing and can be designed to suit all your needs. Every family has different requests for storage and design styles to meet the needs of their ever-changing lifestyle and Dependabuild can work with you to ensure your new space is structurally safe, lasts for years to come and flows with the design of your home, tying your new addition seamlessly to your existing abode. We use quality materials of your choice including weatherboard cladding on external walls, brickwork, rendering and timber.
Storage Space
All garages need plenty of storage space to ensure your outdoor gear is well protected and kept away from the elements. We can work with you to build extra shelving, cupboards, beams or a mezzanine within the structure to ensure your bulky items are easily stored but also accessible. Cars, bikes, camping gear, pool equipment - it doesn’t matter the size or shape of your equipment, we can provide ideas and structures to help you use your new space effectively with security doors to keep those important items safe.
Home workShop
Keep that old car in a safe, dry, roomy area where you can spend your spare time tinkering and remodelling it back to its original beauty; somewhere to work away from the elements where you can find all your tools in one place. High windows offer security as well as natural lighting for your home workshop. We can provide large workshops using a range of materials to ensure you have a place to work and your home is then a place where you can relax.
Wine Cellar
Need somewhere to store your treasured vintage wines? We can create a wine cellar ensuring it is correctly insulated and sealed to keep the quality of your wine in prestigious condition. We have qualified plumbers and electricians who can install a cooling system to keep the temperature of your prized collection to perfection.
Pool or games Room
Is it getting a little overcrowded with the teenagers needing their own space? Adding a pool or games room may be the addition you are looking for. Dependabuild can help you with designing and building a quality extra room for your expanding family. We are professionals at installing bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms and games rooms to your new space which will enhance your backyard setting. Add charm with Colourbond metal or tiled roofing, stylish aluminium windows and dressing with shutters are all amazing options you may consider.
Open Carport
Renew that old carport with structurally sound beams and roofing to add extra height or length to add those larger cars or maybe even your boat or caravan?
It’s important to know that when adding an outdoor structure or addition you are often required to receive council approval. Dependabuild is familiar with the planning and approval required and can assist you throughout this process.