Working from home is the way most businesses are conducting their services within our current climate. It seems to be working well for both employers and employees where high office rents are being eliminated, travel time is reduced and fewer distractions are creating a more productive workplace.

Although when you live in a large family unit, the distractions may not be reduced at all. With students needing a place to study as well as parents with requirements to complete their workload, numerous zoom calls, mobile interactions, people coming and going in the house, you may find that the distractions of your family’s everyday life are becoming overwhelming and the need to create more space to work within the home has now become necessary.

Your temporary home office set up on the dining room table may be proving impractical and conducting serious meetings with home surroundings in the background can lack the professional appeal that your office commands. It might be time to consider constructing a home office. 


At Dependabuild, we can construct the space that you need to get your work and life balance back by adding extensions such as an additional room and enable you to have a sense of leaving the office when work is finished, reclaiming your home environment.

Second Storey Addition

Home Office Feature Wall

Home Office Feature Wall

Incorporating an office space within your second storey addition allows you to have access to a peaceful environment upstairs, separating the day to day movement of family life from your workspace. A set of plans will be drawn up by a draftsman or an architect to take through the process of Council approval. Council approval will be required before you start your second storey build as well as an assessment from an engineer due to the significant weight that will be placed on the original house. Dependabuild can help you through this process and provide recommendations to engineers and designers to help ensure your build is structurally safe. It is important to have a set of construction plans as well as engineers structural plans before Dependabuild can provide an accurate cost breakdown of the project.

When adding a second storey to your home, consider the design of your home and how you want to form the extra space to ensure it flows with the existing structure. A designer will help you to decide the best space to incorporate your home's floor plan to provide the best position to add your extension. The staircase that leads to your second storey needs to be unobstructed to make your extra space worthwhile. Adding balconies and separate entrances may be a great way to extend your upstairs area, creating pleasant and separate headquarters.

Extending your Existing Structure

If you have space within the ground level of your home, you may consider adding your home office as a new additional room. Dependabuild are experienced in the removal and reconstruction of walls and can work with you to ensure your new space complements the existing structure, enabling a seamless extension. When constructing a home office, it is important to assess your need for storage and how these storage facilities will enhance your productivity and help separate the office space.

Home Office in your Backyard

Adding an extra workspace separate from your home gives you an area to work without the daily home life disturbances. You can detach yourself from the commotion of children and television in an office that is tailored to give you a professional environment. It also provides a place to complete your day's work and leave it all behind at the office door, preventing the temptation to allow your work to mix with your very important family life.

Dependabuild has a great understanding of buildings, offices and studios in your backyard. If you have a sloping backyard or a small space, we can work with designers and architects to ensure the build is unassuming, adding style to your back garden. Extra lighting, Wi-Fi, useable interiors with storage, bathrooms and a small kitchen can all be incorporated into your build as well as outdoor decking and pergolas to help complete the space.